
以下常量用作传给 fsPromises.access()fs.access()fs.accessSync()mode 参数。

常量 描述
F_OK 指示文件对调用进程可见的标志。 这对于确定文件是否存在很有用,但没有说明 rwx 权限。 未指定模式时的默认值。
R_OK 指示文件可以被调用进程读取的标志。
W_OK 指示文件可以被调用进程写入的标志。
X_OK 指示文件可以被调用进程执行的标志。 这在 Windows 上不起作用(行为类似于 fs.constants.F_OK)。

The following constants are meant for use as the mode parameter passed to fsPromises.access(), fs.access(), and fs.accessSync().

Constant Description
F_OK Flag indicating that the file is visible to the calling process. This is useful for determining if a file exists, but says nothing about rwx permissions. Default if no mode is specified.
R_OK Flag indicating that the file can be read by the calling process.
W_OK Flag indicating that the file can be written by the calling process.
X_OK Flag indicating that the file can be executed by the calling process. This has no effect on Windows (will behave like fs.constants.F_OK).